Current events
This _____ is wearing a unique COVID face mask |
This sentry is watching over the Demilitarized _____ |
Notice regarding a proposed _____ change |
_____ National Park, Utah |
Zombie Passions
April 30 - Special Days and Obscure Holidays - Honesty Day, Bubble Tea Day, Military Brats Day, Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, Bugs Bunny Day, Hairstylist Appreciation Day, Oatmeal Cookie Day, Raisin Day, Poem in Your Pocket Day
So you don't spoil the guessing for other blog readers, don't post your answers to the questions in the comments. Your job is to post an anecdote that relates to one of the photos above.
Answers will be posted tomorrow.
Thank you for playing!
Current event - Yellowstone
Military - Yeoman
Legal - Your
Random photo - Yucca