Last week's photos:
1865 Juneteenth
1782 Great Seal of US
1948 Berlin Airlift
1950 Korean War
Last year we looked at obscure holidays. This year, let’s look at major world events that occurred each week. Make your best guess in the comments as to the years of each event. No googling!
Week #26
June 26, ____ - The United Nations Charter was signed in San Francisco by 50 nations.
June 29, ____ - The US Supreme Court ruled (5-4) that capital punishment was a violation of the Eighth Amendment prohibiting "cruel and unusual punishment." Four years later, the Court reversed itself and determined the death penalty was not cruel and unusual punishment in cases involving murder.
June 30, ____ - The 26th Amendment to the US Constitution granted the right to vote in all federal, state and local elections to American citizens 18 years of age or older.July 1, ____ - President Abraham Lincoln signed the first income tax bill, 3% on annual incomes of $600-$10,000 and 5% on incomes over $10,000. Also on this day, the Bureau of Internal Revenue was established.