Monday, May 9, 2022

National Days/Weeks #9

Previous photos:
March 30 - Take a Walk in the Park Day
Last week in March - Cleaning Week

Each week on Monday I'll post two photos which represent a "national day" or "national week" for the coming week [through the following Sunday].  Your job is to figure out which national day or week is depicted in each photo.  

Here are the photos for this week.  What national day or week does each represent?  Even if you aren't 100% sure, make your best guess!  Come back next week to see if you're right.,_Limerick_1.jpg
May 12
May 15


  1. Hey Dena, Craig here and blogger still doesn't like me.

    May 12 is not about the beard (that is Sept. 3) so it must be about the limerick he is also spouting.

    May 15 doesn't need an explanation, just some cookie dough to put those chocolate chips into.

    1. I like your new name - Craig Anonymous!

      And it's definitely NOT the beard LOL
