Sanction – A financial penalty
imposed on a party or attorney by a judge, usually for a violation of
the local rules. Most judges tend to waive sanctions [not impose
them] after a stern lecture. Some judges are sanction-happy and
impose them for any minor technicality, probably to help increase the
court's available budget.
Sealing the record – An order of the
court making the court's record non-public. Criminal records of
juveniles are usually sealed. Certain civil records are sealed to
protect trade secrets, national security, etc. Post-foreclosure
eviction records in CA are sometimes sealed by CA state law. And in
certain CA counties, the parties can agree to seal the record, so the
defendant/tenant's credit report does not include the fact that he
was evicted. This helps the tenant because future landlords never
know he was evicted. It can help the current landlord motivate the
tenant to move out, but it does not help future landlords who search
credit reports but never find out that this applicant is a deadbeat who
has been evicted multiple times in the past.
Security deposit – A payment required
by a landlord from a tenant, usually prior to the tenant moving in,
to cover the possible repairs of damage to the premises greater than
normal "wear and tear." If the unit has no unusual damage
upon the tenant moving out [not greater than wear and tear], the
landlord must return the security deposit to the tenant. Many small
claims actions are filed by tenants who believe the slimy landlord
completely refurbished the unit with the tenant's deposit.
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