Sunday, March 12, 2023

#A-to-Z Blogging Challenge 2023 Theme Reveal!

For the last few years on the A to Z Challenge, I've posted photos of significant events from the previous year and your job was to guess the letter-appropriate word represented by the photos.  This year, it’s significant events from 2022 and also the first three months of 2023.  Your job, as before, is to figure out what the event is. And, to avoid spoiling the answer for the next blog visitor, please comment on something related to the answer without giving the answer.  For example, if the event is "mask mandates" [from the 2021 Challenge], your comment could say something like "I'm still wearing mine" or "I bought several dozen in different colors" without mentioning the mask at all.

To get you started, here’s the teaser for letter A. Remember, it’s an event from 2022 or the first 3 months of 2023. Comment on something related to the answer without giving the exact answer. Let’s play!

Come back on April 1 to learn the answer!



  1. Oh, this sounds fun! I have NO idea, not even a guess, what your A teaser could mean!

  2. Ooh, this is fun! :) Welcome back to the challenge! :) The Multicolored Diary

  3. Sounds like a fun challenge topic. And you've already challenged me - I'm clueless about your teaser.

  4. Awesome topic. I'd love to read what those who do know what the event is, will comment. FYI, I'm blind so even if I knew a lot about recent events, I'd not be able to participate.

  5. Interesting way of involving visitors and make them come again to participate.

    I am writing new posts in my popular blog on industrial engineering. Theme A to Z of Industrial Engineering Theme reveal post. A to Z of Industrial Engineering
    Happy Blogging and Reading.

  6. I have to see what this is all about come April, because I need to exercise my mind and some of the posts on your sidebar sound like must reads. I tried to subscribe by mail and got a "missing page" notification, alas.

  7. Ooooo I think I know! The nature center by my house has a large display of these. This is a super fun topic, btw!

  8. I suspect it would be easier if I researched where you live!

  9. I like the idea, but I have none.

  10. Did it rain toads? I feel like that was a thing at one point, because they were picked up by a storm.
