26 Michigan
Date admitted to the US – January 26, 1837
Postal abbreviation – MI
Capital – Lansing
Area – 96,716.11 [11th largest in the US]
Population as of census 2010 – 9,883,640 [8th largest in the US]
Population density per square mile – 174.8 [16th largest in the US]
Area codes – 231, 248, 269, 313, 517, 586, 616, 734, 810, 906, 989
Zip codes – 48001 - 49971
Number of counties – 83
State nickname – Wolverine State
State motto – "Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circum spice" [If you are seeking a amenable (pleasant) peninsula, look around you]
State Flag of Michigan |
Fun facts –
-Detroit is known as the car capital of the world.
-Colon is home to the world's largest manufacture of magic supplies.
-Although Michigan is the "Wolverine State" there are no longer any wolverines in Michigan.
-The Packard Motor Car Company in Detroit manufactured the first air-conditioned car in 1939.
-Michigan is the only place in the world with a floating post office. The JW Westcott II is the only boat in the world that delivers mail to ships while they are still underway. It has been operating for 125 years.
-Michigan has the longest freshwater shoreline in the world.
-Michigan has more than 11,000 inland lakes, more than 36,000 miles of streams, and 116 lighthouses and navigational lights.
-Michigan was the first state to provide in its Constitution for the establishment of public libraries.
-Michigan was the first state to guarantee every child the right to tax-paid high school education.
Law Schools
-University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
-University of Michigan Law School
-Michigan State University College of Law
-Thomas M Cooley Law School
-Wayne State University Law School
Military facts
Military Schools
Military Bases
25 Arkansas
Date admitted to the US – June 15, 1836
Postal abbreviation – AR
Capital – Little Rock
Area – 53,178.62 [29th largest in the US]
Population as of census 2010 – 2,915,918 [32nd largest in the US]
Population density per square mile – 56 [35th largest in the US]
Area codes – 501, 870
Zip codes – 71601 - 72959
Number of counties – 75
State nickname – The Natural State
State motto – "Regnat populus" - The people rule
State Flag of Arkansas |
Fun facts –
-The World's Championship Duck Calling Contest is held annually in Stuttgart.
-Sam Walton founded his Wal-Mart stores in Bentonville.
-Pine Bluff is known as the world center of archery bow production.
-47 hot springs flow from the southwestern slope of Hot Springs Mountain, at an average temperature of 143 F.
-The Ozark National Forest covers more than one million acres.
Law Schools
-University of Arkansas School of Law
-University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Military facts
Military Bases
24 Missouri
Date admitted to the US – August 10, 1821
Postal abbreviation – MO
Capital – Jefferson City
Area – 69,704.31 [21st largest in the US]
Population as of census 2010 – 5,988,927 [18th largest in the US]
Population density per square mile – 87.1 [28th largest in the US]
Area codes – 314, 417, 573, 636, 660, 816
Zip codes – 63001 - 65899
Number of counties – 114
State nickname – The Show Me State
State motto – "Salus populi suprema lex esto" - The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law
State Flag of Missouri |
Fun facts –
-The most destructive tornado on record occurred in Annapolis in 1925. In 3 hours, it left a 980-foot wide trail of demolished buildings, uprooted trees, and overturned cars, with 823 people dead and almost 3,000 injured.
-Missouri and Tennessee are the most neighborly states in the USA, each bordered by 8 states.
-St. Louis is also called "The Gateway to the West" and "Home of the Blues".
-In 1865, Missouri became the first slave state to free its slaves.
-Laura Elizabeth Ingalls, writer of Little House on the Prairie, grew up in Missouri.
Law Schools
University of Missouri School of Law
University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Law
Saint Louis University School of Law
Washington University School of Law
Military facts
Military Schools
Military Bases
23 Maine
Date admitted to the US – March 15, 1820
Postal abbreviation – ME
Capital – Augusta
Area – 35,384.65 [39th largest in the US]
Population as of census 2010 – 1,328,361 [41st largest in the US]
Population density per square mile – 43.1 [39th largest in the US]
Area codes – 207
Zip codes – 03901 - 04992
Number of counties – 16
State nickname – Pine Tree State
State motto – "Dirigo" - I direct
State Flag of Maine |
Fun facts –
-Eastport is the most eastern city in the United States.
-Maine is the only state in the United States with a one syllable name.
-Maine is the only state that shares a border with only one other state.
-Nearly 90% [approx 40 millions pounds] of the USA's lobster supply is caught off the coast of Maine.
-Maine produces 99% of all the blueberries and 90% of the toothpicks in the USA.
-Acadia National Park is the second most visited national park in the United States.
-Author Steven King is a resident of Bangor.
-Maine's coastline has so many deep harbors it is thought all the navies in the world could anchor in them.
Law Schools
University of Maine School of Law
Military facts
Military Schools
Military Bases