Featured links of the week

Here are past links for "This Week's Featured Link":

Welsh Dragon Sausages don't contain real dragon

Flatulence discrimination

New Mexico has official state aroma

Lawsuit Claims Mac & Cheese May Take Seconds Longer to Make Than Promised

Are honeybees dangerous weapons?

California County Bans Wild Cow Milking

Canadian democracy survives cinnamon bun scandal

Exhibits must be defused before offering them into evidence

Does it violate ethics rules to cheat on an ethics test?

Auto insurance may have to pay for STD

Parents sue son demanding grandchild or $650,000

Flatulent Barrister Loses Flatulence Discrimination Case 

Definition of Human Butt is Debated during Deposition

Brazil's seven tons of tax law

California court rules that bees are fish

Zoom meeting from toilet stall

Killing customers is grounds for termination

Missing apostrophe in Facebook post leads to lawsuit

Top 10 military movies of 2021 

New Zealand ends contract with wizard

Lawsuit - Poptarts aren't healthy

Fastest medal of honor award

Short film about Marine bravery in Ramadi 

Doctor Zooms in for traffic trial WHILE PERFORMING SURGERY 

French roosters now crow with the law behind them 

Naked fugitive found in croc-infested swamp 

The Pentagon and UFOs 

Big Foot hunting season 

United States vs 512 Otters 

How to use website images legally 

Best military movies of 2020

Year end tax moves

The military career of "Popeye the Sailor Man" 

Music video - COVID by federal judges

Woman takes Bar Exam while in labor

Army supports field napping 

4 funny boot camp stories 

RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Beetle Bailey's 70th birthday 

Florida lawyer wears hazmat suit to court 

Financial lessons learned during pandemic 

End the COVID-19 lockdown 

4 things to remember every Memorial Day 

Civilian accidentally ejects himself from fighter jet 

Managing work and kids during COVID-19 

Historic places offering virtual tours 

10 best military coronavirus memes 

Memorable spots to re-enlist 

Funny Army-Navy spirit videos 

Kansas man seeks trial by combat 

Lawsuit claims Burger King's Impossible Whoppers are contaminated by meat 

Everything you need to know about the military draft [selective service] 

Rescue a military working dog 

Does NORAD really track Santa? 

Ten things to do with Thanksgiving leftovers 

California road-kill bill becomes law 

8 coolest things ever said in wartime 

Can you have werewolf traps in your front yard? 

Adopt a retired military working dog 

Drunk driving, Wisconsin style 

Californians can no longer be required to join a posse 

Kentucky speed limit laws unconstitutional 

Buy your very own F-16 fighter jeg 

How to adopt a military working dog 

Florida alligator climbs fence 

6 terms you won't believe have military origins 

Welcome home, hero 

79 cringeworthy errors in Top Gun 

8 country music tearjerkers about the troops 

6 social fails that can land military members in hot water 

Buyer beware - man buys 12" wide property at auction 

Montana objects to being sold to Canada 

New font ensures what you read is not forgotten 

How to win in traffic court - make your phone a hash brown 

10 unintentionally hilarious military acronyms 

6 tips for traveling on vacation with tweens and teens 

8 things R. Lee Ermey taught us about the military 

Sheriff deputy used wingding font to forge army orders 

Need to lose 25 pounds? Consume nothing but beer 

Fine and jail time for owners of barking dogs 

Is an alligator a deadly weapon? 

Judge issues restraining order against impending snowstorm 

Sue anyone at the press of a button 

Five badass Marine Corps women 

Meet real life Captain Marvel! 

The fundamentals of rucking 

Notice of apology to judge 

Worst military operation names 

8 funny working dog memes 

Good reason to kill - from Antarctica 

Saudi women entitled to text message notifying them of divorce 

An agreement written on a cocktail napkin is enforceable! 

Five reasons why you should never trust the barracks lawyer 

Road plays Marine's hymn, named after R. Lee Ermey 

How to lose weight during the holiday season 

Five star weight loss program 

What were these lawyers thinking?? 2018 version 

Feds use "reverse warrants" to gain information on non-suspects 

Honoring our veterans with our actions 

INDIVISIBLE - movie based on life of army chaplain 

10 signs you are ready to serve in the military 

Bigfoot case lacks "air of reality" 

Two doomed water-escape tales 

Three unbelievable employment cases 

7 signs of identity theft 

Veteran reunited with medals after yard sale mix-up 

Woman accidentally steals car 

7 craziest moments in Army history 

Company says customer breached her contract by dying 

Don't get cocky - a cautionary trademark tale for authors 

Mississippi case - Brake vs. Speed 

Online retailers to collect sales tax 

Woodchucks to blame for missing veterans flags 

Australian cyborg's conviction overturned on appeal 

American Airlines bans insects, hedgehogs, and goats as emotional support animals 

Eight normal civilian things that make you weird in the military 

Troops having fun with re-enlistment ceremonies 

Take a quiz on the military 

A day aboard a US aircraft carrier ship 

ROTC instructors rescue motorist on Los Angeles freeway from burning car 

Helicopter crew stops speeding train 

How overdue parking tickets took over an innocent person's life 

Free range parenting - because we need laws to treat children like humans 

Nine things lawyers look for when choosing a jury 

Five things recruits screw up most in boot camp 

Hilarious Navy Memes 

AirBnb Guest from Hell 

Six types of lieutenants you can't avoid 

Kansas bill would require governor to be an adult human 

Military athletes competing in Korea Olympics 

The Legal Meaning of Emojis 

An Army Veteran's Obituary Goes Viral 

 The Octopus - Honorary Vertebrate

Comma crusader brings good grammar to traffic court 

Dave Barry Year in Review 2017 

NORAD tracks Santa 

Santa Claus trademark - A legal opinion 

Holiday tips - How not to be arrested in NYC 

Does sharing a link online equal copyright infringement? 

9 things lawyers look for when picking a jury 

Can a joke be protected by copyright law? 

Ten lessons from 26 years of military experience 

An example of an awesome cease and desist letter 

Drunk tries to fake being a lawyer 

Your Twitter outrage may require libel insurance 

Can you legally repair your own car? 

10 ways to help Hurricane Harvey victims 

Monday's total eclipse of the sun 

Do you need libel insurance for your tweets? 

Preparing your home for wildfires 

Minnesota Supreme Court allows unconstitutional searches of tenants' homes 

Canadian rapper sends cease & desist rap video to Coca Cola Co. 

One landlord's method of "encouraging" tenants to move out 

Why mattresses come with warning tags 

A New Hampshire bill allowed pregnant women to commit murder 

Court rules emoji can convey intent 

Lawsuits against God 

A fish is a tangible object - Dr Seuss quoted by Supreme Court 

Why Memorial Day is not for you 

Ask TSA 

Alaska divorce court treats pets like children 

Guy who got a C on constitutional amendment paper gets the Constitution amended 

It is still legal to play chase in Ireland

Unless you enjoy being physically assaulted, please don't fly United Airlines 

Yes, the Oxford comma is very important 

You are liable for your butt dials 

Woman gets a parking ticket for parking two SECONDS early 

We never had a pet squirrel 

New definition of neighbors from hell 

Know your rights for your peaceful protest 

Dave Barry's 2016 year in review 

Courts frown on feigning sleep during opponent's case 

NORAD Tracks Santa 

Tips for the company holiday party 

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special 

Thanksgiving flowcharts 

The Presidential Candidates Ranked By Their Usefulness In A Bar Fight

What Would Happen if a Presidential Nominee Quit?

Many Americans know little about the Supreme Court

If writers and poets billed by the hour 

Military uniform regulations you could be violating right now 

What I learned in the Marine Corps 

48 hours in the mind of a trial attorney 

Judge sentences veteran to 24 hours in jail, then joins him 

Happy birthday US Navy. Thanks for always having the watch 

Why can't I wear my Halloween costume to school? 

Veteran's Day deals for active duty and veterans 

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