Monday, May 9, 2016

A to Z Challenge 2016 Reflections

Today is the day we report on our A to Z experience.
Last year, I signed up approximately 3 days before the challenge started, and I wrote my posts as they came due [this was nightmare-ish].  This year I signed up in January and wrote my posts in advance.  They were finished in March.  This made my experience MUCH easier, altho I still didn't have as much time as I wanted for visiting the other A to Z bloggers.

Here's a list of the blogs I enjoyed the most for this challenge:

KD James wrote a 40,000 word story, and it's awesome

John Frain wrote amazing 6-sentence stories

Colin Smith wrote 100-word flash stories based on Paul McCartney songs

Julie Weathers wrote information on the Civil War and included excerpts of her novel-in-progress

Kate Larkindale with New Zealand Films

K.Ridwyn with Lessons from God's Metaphors, complete with needlework

EM Goldsmith with Musings and Short Stories

Life in Dogs wrote on the A to Z of Dog Rescue

Insecure Writer's Support Group wrote on Writing Resources

Stats from my own blog:

Letters with more than 50 views:
B, E, F, G, N

Countries with the most views:
USA, Russia, Australia

2015  Legal Definitions
2016  Military Definitions
2017  ??  [If you have a suggestion, please post it in the comments]

Thank you all for visiting, and congratulations to all my fellow A to Z Challenge bloggers!


  1. Dena, Love your blog. Not sure how I missed visiting during the A-Z Challenge, but you have a new follower.
    @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

    1. I missed your blog during the challenge also. Just went now. Very nice. Congrats on completing the challenge and thanks for visiting.

  2. It was fun following you for the A-to-Z, Dena. Thanks for the shout out! For 2017, how about "Publishing Definitions"? It's been done before, but I think your take would be quite entertaining. :)

    1. Well, my blog is mostly legal and military news, altho I do include book recommendations, so that might qualify. Here's an entry: Q is for Query, the letter of introduction voluntarily written by writers with the intent of obtaining rejections.

  3. Having the posts pre-written really does help. I visited Life in Dogs daily through the challenge, her posts were fantastic!

  4. Just now discovering your blog. Thanks for the tips on others you also enjoyed. So helpful when there are 1300+ participants!

    1. Yes, so many participants, but that's great in its own way. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hey Dena, I just discovered your blog via the Reflections Post signup. Sorry to have missed you during the A-Z but glad I found your blog. I'll definitely be back!
    I agree how much easier it is when you have your posts all ready and scheduled to post. Then you can just spend your time visiting other blogs, commenting and replying to people who comment on your blog. Still a huge time commitment but so worth it in terms of discovering cool blogs (like yours), making new friends and exercising your writing muscles.
    Thanks for posting your favorite blogs. Some of them I visited regularly but others will be new to me. I love referrals!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I missed your blog during the challenge, but I love greyhounds so I'll be visiting you often. Thanks for stopping by here! I agree with you that pre-writing the posts works soooooo much better. Congrats for completing the challenge.
