Monday, July 8, 2024

Famous birthdays week #28

Last week:
July 1, 1961 - Princess Diana
July 3, 1962 - Tom Cruise 

Last year we looked at major world events that occurred each week. For 2024 let's look at birthdays of famous people for each week of the year.

For this week, we have:

July 9, 1956

July 13, 1942

Your task is to guess who each person is. To avoid spoiling it for people who come after you, do NOT put the person's name in the comments! Instead, write something about that person. For example, if your guess for person #1 is “Joe Biden”, write something like “#1 - current US president” in the comments. Don't use the name.

Good luck!


  1. I hope the smoke and heat weren't too bad this week, Tampa is hot, but it is more about the humidity, and we missed the chance for the state to go up in smoke.

    1) Forrest?

    2) The Fugitive

    1. 100% again!

      It turned a bit humid last week [for SoCal, "a bit humid" is anything over 60%, and I know you'll laugh at that]. So firefighters are gaining the upper hand on most of the fires. We even had a bit of mist in the air a few mornings ago. Glad you missed the chance to go up in smoke!
