Monday, May 7, 2018

A to Z Challenge 2018 - Reflections

Another A to Z Challenge has come to an end.

The blogs I visited the most, along with their A to Z themes:

Flash fiction

Serial killers

Movie monsters 

Spanish words and sailing

Haiku riddles

Winter in Maine

Civil War facts


This year I blogged about military terms.  Most viewed and most comments:

A – 27 comments
Y – 17 comments

Here are all my posts, in case you want to browse

Theme reveal 2018

A is for ASVAB

B is for Boatswains Mate

C is for Chaplain and Chaplain Aide

D is for Deployment

E is for Enlistment and DEP

F is for Fitness (Physical Training)

G is for GI Bill

H is for Healthcare

I is for Infantry

J is for Judge Advocate General (JAG)

K is for K-Ration

L is for Life Aboard a Navy Ship

M is for Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)

N is for National Guard

O is for Officer

P is for Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Q is for Quartermaster and Quarter Deck

R is for Reserves

S is for Seabee

T is for Tank

U is for Uniform

V is for Veteran

W is for Warrant Officer

X is for EXplosive Ordnance Disposal

Y is for Yeoman

Z is for Zoiks! Military Pay

Thanks for visiting!  I hope you visit my blog during the rest of the year, but at the very least - See you next year =)


  1. Dena, your topic was fun for me. I enjoyed comparing it to the Aussie military, and I also learnt heaps.

  2. Thanks for the mention! I enjoyed your A to Z posts. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us next year.

    1. Is it too weird that I'm already trying to think of a theme for next year?

  3. Congratulations on finishing the challenge. It was fun to learn more about the military with your posts. Weekends In Maine

  4. I've stopped by from the #AtoZChallenge Road Trip. I've enjoyed browsing through your posts. Very clever theme!

  5. Stopping by from the #AtoZChallenge Road Trip!

  6. Stopping by (officially) on the #AtoZChallenge Road Trip! I've browsed and enjoyed some of your posts already, but wanted to put a quick comment in here. :)

  7. Stopping by from the #AtoZChallenge Road Trip!  It looks like you had a great AtoZ, with a really interesting topic. I'll check some out for sure!

    Jamie Lyn Weigt | Writing Dragons | AtoZ 2018 Road Trip Post: X is for Xiang: The Wise by Maria Dedevesi

  8. Looks like you had an interesting A-Z.

    Ronel from Ronel the Mythmaker visiting with the A-Z road-trip: Expectations and Realisations AtoZReflections 2018

  9. I'm glad someone else "cheated" with the letter X! LOL! I went for eXperts. Interesting collection of military terms here. I recognize most of them, but not every one. Stopping by on the #AtoZ Road Trip. Cheers!
