Monday, November 28, 2022

National Days/Weeks #38

Last week's photos:
November 21 – Gingerbread Cookie Day
November 24 – Thanksgiving Day

Each week on Monday I'll post two photos which represent a "national day" or "national week" for the coming week [through the following Sunday].  Your job is to figure out which national day or week is depicted in each photo.  

Here are the photos for this week.  What national day or week does each represent?  Even if you're not 100% sure, make your best guess!  Come back next week to see if you're right.

December 2

December 4


  1. The bottom one is an easy guess...Dice Day? But the top one...the mind boggles as to what it is! Dough Day? Melted cheese week? Expandable foam day?

    1. Expandable foam day!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL This has to win the prize for this week. Thanks for the belly laugh!

  2. I think Dec. 2 is a fritter. It looks rather unsavory as one, but my first attempt at an apple fritter was pretty ugly.

    Since no famous numbers are showing, I would just say Dice Day too.

    1. Yes it's fritter day but I have to give the points to AJ for her absolutely delightful guess!

  3. Glad I could make you laugh, Dena. :)
