Saturday, April 30, 2016

Military Definitions - Z

A to Z Blogging Challenge.  My topic is MILITARY DEFINITIONS.

Z – Zulu
morse code – dash dash dot dot

Zero point - the location of the center of a nuclear detonation. The zero point may be in the air, or on or beneath the surface of land or water, depending on the type of burst.  Thus dit is distinguished from ground zero, which is the point on the surface of the earth either at, below, or above the nuclear detonation.

Zulu time – also called universal time and Greenwich Mean Time.  For current Zulu time - click here 

Thank you for sharing this AtoZ Blogging Challenge with me and for reading my blog.

And for all of you also participating this year in AtoZ Blogging Challenge, CONGRATULATIONS for finishing!
We are all entitled to a nap =)


  1. I have learned so much from these definitions and have story ideas galore. And I have learned something of Morse code which I think we better all learn in case of an EMP. Good job, Dena. We made it to the end.

    1. I learned a lot too, and yes, my own topic plus the topics of other blogs I visited, have given me lots of new story ideas. Fun challenge. Congrats to all of us for making it to the end. =)

  2. So, it seems that Zulu time is a constant, unlike GMT which changes for British Summer Time (Daylight Saving in the US). So GMT and UTC are identical except during BST, when GMT is an hour ahead of UTC.

    I was curious why they created UTC/Zulu time if it's just the same as GMT.

    Well done, Dena, for successfully navigating (har har) another A-to-Z challenge! Your entries have been fun and informative. Yes--nap time!! :D

    1. That's my understanding. Zulu is constant. And I am sooooo ready for a nap!

  3. Congratulations on completing the challenge! Great posts.

  4. CONGRATULATIONS Dena, on making it! I've learned quite a lot from your posts, thank you for sharing them :D And yes, nap time!

    1. Congrats to you too! I didn't comment on all the blogs I visited. I had great intentions, but reality was harsh for me this year. Thanks for your kind words. And take a nap.

  5. Congratulations for your awesome challenge. I think lots of people will use it as a reference for military terminology. I've learned lots here.

    Zulu time is a great term and I never even questioned what ground zero meant.

    Maybe next year I'll join the challenge and do all art terms.

    1. I would love to read about art terms! Please do that next year. You can start writing your posts early, like in January, so it doesn't suck too much time.

  6. Oh, Dena, we meet at the finish line. High five! Your posts were both wonderful and informative so much of the time, loved coming to visit. That said, I've never been so happy to see May arrive!

    Keep writing!

    1. High five to you too! Your stories were interesting and fun, and I enjoyed reading them. But I do agree with you. I'm soooooo happy it's May. =)
